House of Erte Gallery
All images (c) Sevenarts Ltd.
"House of Erte" is a trademark of Sevenarts Ltd.
Click on images below for larger images
These items were originally available throught the Franklin Mint
They are currently available only through online auction sites or other secondary sales options
Pearls & Emeralds |
Rubies and Pearls |
Isis |
Leopard |
Glamour |
Ocelot |
Untamed Beauty |
Panther |
Crystal Ball Objet |
Symphony in Black |
Moonlight Mystique |
Symphony in Black Pen |
Leopard Pen |
Madame Butterfly Egg |
Starstruck Champagne Flutes |
Wings of Time |
Symphony in Black Pin |
Symphony in Black Lamp |
La Traviata Music Box |
Set of Music Boxes |
Ondee |
Queen of the Night |
Pearls and Emeralds |
6 plates |
Fireflies |
Fantasia |
Applause |
Twilight |
Flames of Love |